

Apollo is a high-growth, global alternative asset manager. I

About Apollo

Apollo is a high-growth, global alternative asset manager. In our asset management business, we seek to provide our clients excess return at every point along the risk-reward spectrum from investment grade to private equity with a focus on three investing strategies: yield, hybrid, and equity. For more than three decades, our investing expertise across our fully integrated platform has served the financial return needs of our clients and provided businesses with innovative capital solutions for growth. Through Athene, our retirement services business, we specialize in helping clients achieve financial security by providing a suite of retirement savings products and acting as a solutions provider to institutions. Our patient, creative, and knowledgeable approach to investing aligns our clients, businesses we invest in, our employees, and the communities we impact, to expand opportunity and achieve positive outcomes. To learn more, please visit www.apollo.com.

What is the average data analyst salary at Apollo?

The average data analyst salary at Apollo is $104,750.00 per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have 1 data analyst jobs at Apollo. (Last update: 1st July, 2024)


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