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A Senior Data Analyst is responsible for applying advanced statistical analysis, data mining, and predictive modeling techniques to draw data-driven insights that solve high-priority business problems. They oversee the operations of junior data analysts, as well as tackle complex or specialized data analytics projects and management initiatives. Senior Data Analysts aggregate, clean, and study data for key or specialized analytics projects, identify data trends and insights to solve significant immediate business problems, code programs to help capture and organize relevant data, manage the tasks of data analysts, and collaborate directly with internal and external clients to meet analytics demands. They play a key role in guiding data analytics teams, setting new procedures, and improving business performance.
A Senior Data Analyst has a bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems, statistics, or a related field with at least three years of experience in data analytics or data science roles. They possess advanced knowledge of data analytics, cleaning and preparation, proficiency with data modeling and analysis tools, expertise in programming languages for data analytics, experience with statistical and mathematical analysis, management best practices, problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and verbal and written communication skills. Usually, Senior Data Analyst roles require between 3 to 5 years of experience.
We only used data from jobs posted on our website to calculate data analyst salaries. In the brackets next to each industry or state you can see how many data analyst jobs in the said industry/state we have on our site.
Please note that in some cases we currently only have < 10 data points to draw from, therefore the accuracy will improve as the amount of data analyst job opportunities on the site increases.
Check out the complete data analyst salary guide for salary information across United States.
Last update: 1st July, 2024
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