

We’re building technology that optimizes revenue for restaurants and experiences for members

About Dorsia

The process of restaurant discovery, booking, and payments is broken. We’re here to change that. We’re building frictionless technology that optimizes revenue for restaurants and experiences for members, and we’re on a mission to overhaul the culture and economy of the hospitality industry along the way.

Developed by proven leaders across hospitality, media, and consumer-tech, Dorsia’s revenue optimization model solves supply-and-demand inefficiencies in the restaurant industry by mutually guaranteeing tables for diners and revenue for restaurants. By bridging dynamic pricing and seamless processes, Dorsia is creating a curated marketplace where it hasn’t existed before, powering the most coveted restaurants of our time.

What is the average data analyst salary at Dorsia?

The average data analyst salary at Dorsia is per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have data analyst jobs at Dorsia. (Last update: 1st July, 2024)


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