

Today, our gaming marketplace supports more than 5m active users.

About Eneba

Our story so far...

Vytis and Zygis, co-founders of Eneba, are avid gamers themselves. Their story began in Lithuania, in the early 2000s, sharing a dorm room. Students being students, they spent countless nights playing StarCraft, Lineage II, WarCraft, Heroes III, Command & Conquer, Civilization, FIFA, NBA, NukeZone, Counter-Strike, and Doom to name a few ;)

And, actually, most of the early business ideas came to them while gaming. Fast forward through a couple of companies built and a lot of learning, our co-founders decided to circle back to what sparked entrepreneurship in them - gaming! That’s how we came about. Eneba was born in 2018.

Today, our marketplace supports more than 5m active users (and growing fast!), provides a level of trust, safety and market accessibility unparalleled to none. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in such a short time and look forward to sharing this journey with you!

What is the average data analyst salary at Eneba?

The average data analyst salary at Eneba is per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have data analyst jobs at Eneba. (Last update: 1st July, 2024)


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