

PowerSchool (NYSE: PWSC) is the leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education.

About PowerSchool

PowerSchool (NYSE: PWSC) is the leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education. Its mission is to power the education ecosystem with unified technology that helps educators and students realize their full potential, in their way. PowerSchool connects students, teachers, administrators, and parents, with the shared goal of improving student outcomes. From the office to the classroom to the home, it helps schools and districts efficiently manage state reporting and related compliance, special education, finance, human resources, talent, registration, attendance, funding, learning, instruction, grading, assessments, and analytics in one unified platform. PowerSchool supports over 45 million students globally and more than 12,000 customers, including over 90 of the top 100 districts by student enrollment in the United States, and sells solutions in over 90 countries. Visit www.powerschool.com to learn more.

What is the average data analyst salary at PowerSchool?

The average data analyst salary at PowerSchool is $55,750.00 per year.

This salary has been determined from our database, where we have 1 data analyst jobs at PowerSchool. (Last update: 1st July, 2024)


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